Welcome to my blog - Bine ati venit in blogul meu!

Eu si familia mea am parasit Romania in 2006 in cautarea aventurii, noului, cunoasterii, si a unei altfel de realizari.

I and my family left Romania, in 2006, looking for adventure, the new, the knowledge, and looking for another type of prosperity.

In this blog I will talk about many things, including this choosing we made and where we are, on our new life way.

In acest blog voi vorbi despre multe, inclusiv despre aceasta alegere pe care noi am facut-o si drumul pe care ne aflam.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hello, new and old friends!

I am here, now, to share with you from my experiences, my dreams, and to lookk for answers...
I used to be a writer, once, and I intend to publish, again, someday. I will post , here, few of the short stories, for children, that I already published.
See you, soon, again.


  1. Pentru copii destul de mari, as zice eu ... Destul de mari sa poata citi si printre randuri. Felicitari!

  2. Mersi, Oli. Intr-adevar, cand am publicat cartea au fost multi adulti care au spus ca le-a placut si lor...dar nu stiu cati au si citit printre randuri, legat sau nu de firul pocestii, in sine.
